Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I am soooo busy at work!! I have been behind since the first 2 hrs I got back last Monday! LOLOL....

I've been bringing work home almost every night. Right now I just got caught up thru this past Monday. So I'm down to only 2 days behind now! Whoo~Hoo!

Freakin' attorneys! :)

I seem to be holding up ok. Tiredness now is from not getting enough sleep...speaking of which...I'm now off to bed! It's 10:30pm and I just can't finish the last few papers I brought home.

I will post again this weekend. Got some pics of the pool in the backyard to share. :) Altho this weekend it appears it will be on the cool side, so probably no skinny dipping yet. hehehe....


Cygnet said...

Hmmmmm, could it be you're not getting enough sleep because the doctor cleared you for landing? Hehehehe.
I'm glad you're doing okay, but I hope they don't overwork you---

Flavia said...

lol, why no skinny dipping???? You can't possible christen (sp?) a pool without that, sheesh woman! ruining our fun hehehe.

heavenlydm said...

Is it possible you're less inhibited (post-op) than before? ROFLMBO! I can't believe you've been able to keep the pace you have at work. I hope they can see what a hard worker you are.

Bear said...

Attorneys?!?!? Shush, Bob might hear you! LOL

It's never that cool that you can't go skinny dipping! Enjoy that new pool!