Monday, September 04, 2006

Down to the wire again...

LOL...sorry! but it technically is still the weekend for me! We had today off as well. And wouldn't you know...I went ALL SUMMER with no sunburn and got burned today while we were taking down the pool! ugh. LOL....even my poor bald head. I forgot to toss on my hat. Actually, it didn't feel all that hot, but with the water....that's just trouble. duh, Jan. Now my arms, head and neck are pretty red.

Gosh, I have no idea what to even say! It's been over a month since I posted. I have lurked at others blogs, but not leaving many comments. I'm doing really good on my workouts, and pretty good on food. But the weight is just staying the same and very frustrating. Which causes me to emotionally eat. How I can be good for 3 months on working out (you should see my legs! LOL) and to really watch what I'm eating and only have a bad day of food every great moon....but not lose any weight or inches. It's just plain frustrating. And I want to give up sooo bad. Just toss in the towel. NS was on QVC this morning. Someone called in to talk to the host about it. She had only been on the plan since like June. Lost 30 pounds so far and had about 20 to go. She was gushing over the fact and how the pounds just melted off her and she only followed the plan say during the week and actually said she cheated all the time and still lost. It just made me sick to my stomache. There are those of us who literally work our asses off, stay 100% and get NOTHING. We stay the same. Look, I realize we are all different. But WTF??!!! It is sooo not fair that some can cheat left and right and still lose all that weight that fast. It pisses me off.

Well, what have I been up to the past month? Work is driving me crazy. Nothing new there. We are on vacation next week tho. Thank God!! It's my first time off since coming back from my surgery. And that's been 4 months ago now. Saturday morning, we are headed to Colorado Springs to meet Amy Smith. Hi Amy!!! hehehe...Can't wait!! Altho, she just sent me the extended forecast and its suppose to be raining the entire time we are there! ugh. WTF??!! LOL...we plan on taking some family pics Sunday for them and I wanted to hike around Garden of the Gods on Monday. I also hate flying in bad weather. It freaks me out when the plane lurches in bad weather. LOL. But I would not miss meeting Amy for I will just deal. :)

My sister eloped to Canada the end of July. We come back from Amy's on Wed, the 13th. Then my friend from my home town comes done with her 2 kids on Friday, the 15th. I'm going to take Senior pics of her son and some family pics that weekend. Then it's back to work for a week. And leave early on Friday, the 22nd to head up to the Redding area and we rented the cabin across the creek from my sister's place for the weekend. The 23rd will be a wedding reception party for them. I've been in the process of making a book for them, using the pics from thier wedding and vacation in Canada. I'm also still working on a wedding book from the wedding I took back in April for my friends daughter. Another reason why I haven't been able to blog lately. I just have sooo much going on right now. I can only hope that you all can understand and forgive me for not being around too much this past month. And it looks like Sept will be just as busy. LOL...

I will try to be better. But I probably won't have time to post again now until I return from visiting Amy. Tons to do at work before this Friday. Or I will probably not have a job when I return. LOL...we all have extra duties now too. sigh...

Everyone take care!!


Amy said...

WooHoo, look who I spotted on your blog Jan... our long lost friend Amanda! Hi Amanda! Missed you. I'm heading to your blog next. :)

So it's about time you posted Jan. Who do you think you are never posting new stuff to your blog? LOLOL. I'm so excited for your trip; I can't hardly wait! I know we'll have a blast, rain or shine. :) As for the "it not being fair" thing, you know how often I say that too. Sometimes it just sucks... gotta stick with it though. Love ya!


Bob said...

Welcome back, Jan! It does sound like you had quite the month. I can imagine you are frustrated about not losing anything. But keep at it, you know you will be glad you did and even more pissed if you don't. Have fun in Colorado!

Anonymous said...

If you notice that much difference in your muscles, then you are getting fit and it still is progress towards your goal. Hang in there and I hope to hear more updates from you :)

Paul said...

Hope you are enjoying your time off.

Emily said...

No pictures from vacation? No updates about how great you are being? Nothing about how you are running your ass off? Jeez, Jan. I expect more from you. :)

Amy said...

Alrighty girl, I EXPECT a new post this weekend!!! You've been gone so long you're even getting spam comments. ROTF.


Sue said...

Um, hello, is this thing on?? Girl, you are getting as bad as me with posting! Where the hell are you?? At least I update my sidebar!!

Hope you are well!

AsharEdith said...

Hey Jan!
I stopped by to say hi!
Hope you're ok!

heavenlydm said...

You were so sweet for leaving me a note. (Tapping my fingers...) Now let's have that new post lady :)

Bear said...

Ok, you've been "down to the wire" for to long! I'm not far from putting you and your camera back to work (maybe just after Thanksgiving!). Give us a post and let us know how you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there your support group is getting larger and in the long run you will get smaller.

Jamie said...

Hi Jan!! Where the hell are you???? Come out, come out wherever you are!!!