Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Let the Fun Begin!!

So Emily tells me I need to once again get off my lazy ass and post!
Hehehe...this past Saturday was my FILs bday and we had bbq'd ribs,
among other things that aren't on my plan. So I took my turkey burger and one of my flatouts to use as the bun and my FF cheese.
Amy, Chris and myself are having a contest. So I had to stay on plan.
I'm soooo gonna win! hehehe...
The only I will be bad is this coming weekend for our 1st anniversary party.
Yes, It's been 1 year ago already that I became Mrs. O'Hara.
Boy, does time fly when you're having a hysterectomy! LOL
And gaining back the 23 pounds you lost before your wedding. grrrrrrrrrrr....
But! I'm onto a new game plan.
I have decided that I have to get back into the swing of my weekly workout routine.
Mondays & Fridays will be my off days, as I hate working out on these 2 days the most. It will also make for a nice break inbetween my workout days and give my muscles a chance to relax and repair. Amy's "NS on our own" post is really helping me stay motivated. I also my exercise to her BIM post and to CandleSusan's "Quit Whinning" post in the mornings. Both of those are really helping me get in my exercise. So far so good this week! Both Sat/Sun, Rob and I hit the track and I did 2 miles each morning. Monday I took off. And today (Tuesday) I was up at 6am and did my 2 miles on the treadmill. Go Jan!
Even tho I'm not seeing the loss I want, I have been keeping track since the 1st and when I look at each Friday, there is a drop in weight. Maybe only 1 pound per week, but I get sooo frustrated weighing everyday and seeing it bounce up and down. I really need to stop daily weighing, but it's a hard habit to break. LOL...I have tried. So I'm really trying to look at the overall picture for the month vs. the daily/weekly.
So, without further ado...here was some pics from our pool party this past Saturday! Everyone had a blast, including me taking the pics! I don't have a suit that fits me right now, so I won't be going in this weekend either! LOL..atleast not with everyone else! I have one large one that falls off me and the one from our Honeymoon last year that is still too tight but its the one I mainly wear when it's just Rob and I.

Brian twirling the ball.....

The twins floating...

Rob balancing on the ball...

Rob not balancing very well! LOL

Kylie tossing the ball....

Rob teaching Kylie to swim...

The die~hards that got out last....

Look for more pics this weekned of our 1st Anniversary Party!


Cygnet said...

Great pics, Jan! I'm so glad you share your life with us! It would be more fun to do it in person, but this is the next best thing. It looks like everyone had a blast! I bet Rob and the in-laws are glad you insisted on that pool now. LOL

Amy said...

Love all the pics Jan! Now get in and enjoy that pool with everyone. You know you want to! LOL

I'm so proud of you for getting back on track and back into the exercising. You're gonna have an awesome month! :)


O' Natur Nail said...

Go you with the exercise!!!!! Just keep with it and you'll get there - it takes awhile to lose weight, didn't ya know!!!??? hehehe.... aaahhh Mondays and Fridays are great to take off so you have that long weekend feeling. Too bad the days I teach Attack are Mondays & Fridays, haha Ironic, isn't? I'll be thinking of you relaxing while I'm there sweating my butt off! but seriously, great job sticking to it... you have a game plan, just make sure you follow it! great pics but please enjoy the pool next time!! it's Hot out there :)

Emily said...

Great pictures, Jan! Now, go get yourself a bathing suit that fits, and get your ass in that pool! Great job staying on track lately. I'm proud of you, and I need to follow suit. I've been doing okay lately, but I could always do better. One pound a week will get you there eventually, so stick with it!

Flavia said...

Oooh nice shots! I so wish I had a pool right now it's so hot!

Danielle said...

She lives! Ha ha! Just kidding. I'm happy to see another post from my Janny! Good for you for getting back on track, you can do it having support is key as we all know. Love the pool shots, it looks so refreshing.